Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I constantly trying to control redeem or fix things that I have said or done wrong or without thinking. I torture myself by reliving them over and over again until I do anything I can think of to try to undo it...aaaand usually just end up further complicating things or making them worse.

When will I get to a place of trusting God with my mistakes?? (of course it would be ever so much simpler if I could listen better to His voice and guidance, and maybe avoid the bad situation in the first place). My goal is to try to redirect all the energy that I waste on feeling bad about something, into praying for the person or situation. Instead of taking it upon myself to fix everything, I will give things over to the only one true Fixer.

Relationship advice from Cuppies & Joe

"I would say....

Always hear the other person. Always be pursuing them...
Always communicate everything you're thinking and feeling with the other person.
Never just assume that they wouldn't be interested in what you have to say."

Monday, August 09, 2010


"It doesn't matter where you dance for Me. I will bless you and be with you wherever you go. Choose life so that you may live and love Me, hear My voice and hold fast to My Words. Don't worry about where to go or what to do. Simply follow Me and be content to rest in My presence. Just be and I will work out the details. So you will know because I have prepared the way. All that really matters is that you are with Me."

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Either....or maybe both...

Emotional horror

Emotional whore