It's mind boggling to think back to where I who I was the last time this month came around.
Well, I guess I owe everybody an update.
At the moment, I am in Jacksonville, FL...but only for the week. I'm down here as a guest artist teaching some master classes for East Coast Ballet (the studio I taught for when I lived here).
As far as the longer term view of things...the story is, that for the time being, I will be staying in Oklahoma. This fall I will be teaching for 3 different studios (Ballet Oklahoma, as well as 2 smaller ones in Edmond), and I will also be working at a healthcare billing company as a data entry clerk. I'll be taking classes with the company at Ballet O and also possibly be working a little with a local modern dance company. My foot and ankle and healing slowly, but surely. Next week I am hoping to get the final go ahead from my doctor to be able to fully dance on it. Unfortunately, it just simply is going to take longer to get back to normal than I ever thought.
As of right now, no more news from Cirque du Soleil (no Molly, I'm not cirque du bex yet. BTW, that totally cracked me up). The only audition location currently listed on their website is in India, but I'm assuming they will wait and contact me again once they have another audition set up in the states. Otherwise, I guess I should make sure and set some money aside in case I need to buy a plane ticket to India at a moment's notice.
I think that just about sums it up for now. As far as Nashville goes, I really had no idea I would miss it as much as I do. It's simply ridiculous. But I'm choosing to assume that God knows what He's doing and try to go along with that. I love and miss you all and will hopefully be back there, at least to visit, sooner rather than later.