Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Rant of a starving artist

Why is it so fucking hard to make a living doing what you love?

Why do so many spend the majority of their wretched existence doing mundane tasks invented by someone somewhere who somehow decided that the accomplishment of said tasks should equal monetary compensation?

I tired…so unbelievably tired of trying to motivate myself to get out of bed and care about being on time to type some numbers into a computer.

I don't want to spend another moment of the preciously short time that I have on this earth on things that I truly have no care or concern for whatsoever.

I'm ready to be an professional artist.

And I hate to even label it that way. In all reality I should technically be able to call myself a professional (I have been doing this for going on 19 years now and have had a reasonable amount of success). But I still am not able to truly dedicate myself to being solely an artist because I still have to spend AT LEAST 20 hours a week of my time doing nothing having to do with art, creativity or anything remotely worthwhile. And I'm lucky. I mean, what about the innumerable talents who work 40, 50 or even 60 hours a week at their "real" jobs and then collapse into bed with no energy left to even think about creating anything. (And can I also just mention how much the concept of what constitutes a "real" job pisses me off?)

Now don't get me wrong, I understand that "it means so much more when you've had to work and sacrifice to make your dreams happen", but is that so much the case, that it's nigh impossible to simply spend your days doing what you love? I am truly of the belief that each person has something, that one thing, that they were simply made to do; the thing that makes them the happiest when they're doing it. For some it's painting, dancing, singing or making music…for others it's adding numbers or racing motorcycles, or arranging flowers. So why can't there be some way for each person to be able to make a living doing what they were made to do?

I'm not even sure if I making sense anymore or if I'm just talking in circles of frustration so I'm going to go to bed now and try force myself up in the morning to start the monotony all over again.


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