Friday, February 03, 2006


such a small word with so many ideals attached to it.
what does it take to make a home?
more profound minds than mine have attempted to sum it into words.
is it where your heart is?
is it where you lay your head?
is it where you hang your hat?
is it a thought, a place, a feeling, a person?
is it a wall, a couch, a roof, a curtain?
is it the place where you were born?
is it the place you choose to die?
is it what you surround yourself with as you live?
if it's a roof overhead, then I just got a new one (and that makes the 5th in 7 months).
if it's having people who know and love and care about you in a close vicinity, then I have many.
if it's a place where you know you belong, a place you feel safe where nothing else in the world can touch you, a place of perfect peace and contentment...then I guess I'm still searching.


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