Sunday, July 03, 2005

Grand Farwell

So not everyone gets such a grand finale.
I got a full 10 minute fireworks display, right in my backyard.
Okay, so we'll just ignore the fact that they happened at the end of the baseball game that just happened to end right at the time that I was driving away from the home that my love and I shared for 2 years (for better and for worse).
We'll just pretend that it was my cosmic sendoff to bigger and better things (hopefully things that explode in an exuberent array of colors that sparkle as they stream to the earth below - but not exploding in that painful kind of way...just in the pretty sparkley way).
So many much time....wasted? I don't think much was learned and so much was grown, I can't believe that it was all for naught.
Things are different now. And things will be different from here on out. Even if things return, they will be different and (God-willing) better.
But for now I can only remember with a sad smile, and cry a bittersweet tear.
For I know what I want, and I know what I need, and I know what I feel.....but none of it matters if it's not's out of my control.
I have no choice but to leave things in Hands bigger and stronger than these.
"Help me to trust as much as I long to love".
I sound so much stronger than I feel.....I can only hope that I am.


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