Saturday, April 01, 2006

Loving and losing and flying and choosing...

I want to dream big, but still be able to live small
I want to defy gravity, but still know how to fall
I want to learn how to trust without ransoming my heart
I want to know when give up, and know when to start
I want to breathe with the wind and soar with the rain
I want to feel what I feel even if that feeling is pain
I want to live fully believing in laughter and tears
I want to learn when to ignore and when to listen to my fears
I want to never stop hoping that some things will change
I want to stop wanting everything to stay the same
I want to stand on the edge of my hopes and my dreams
I want to not worry that they'll fall apart at the seams
I want to believe that I deserve to be loved
I want to hold out for the one I've dreamed of
I want to dance and to dance and to dance and to dance
I want to awake without fear and fully take my next chance


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