Friday, June 10, 2005

Piece of peas (I mean peace)

I need peace.....just a piece of peace.

I once knew how to trust God. I'm not sure when I stopped. He never gave me a reason to stop. I somewhere along the way started trying to take care of things myself & control my situations. At some point "just" praying for something seemed not to be enough. I want to be able to DO something and see immediate results. But I can't anymore.....I've controled things right out of my hands. I HAVE to trust God, because it is my last option (not that that's a good reason, but I guess it's a start).

A wise and true friend once told me, "do you really think you're important enough that you can make a decsion that completely screws up God's will for your life?" Well, I guess that even more so, do I really think that someone else is important enough to make a decsion that completely screws up God's will for my life.

I want that peace again that comes from trusting God. From knowing that it's not up to me. But I know that I can't just trust Him to work things out how I want them....I have to be able to trust no matter what the outcome. And right now, that's what scares me shitless.


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