Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

Negativity overwhelming, squashing all sense of reason in a season which has seemed more than a little seasoned with lack of reason.
Stumbling around excuses, stubbing my toe on every rock in the road. 
Groping to cope, settling for something which isn't even there.
Falling for the mirage of a palace before getting swallowed in the reality of a shack.
Lightly tip-toeing instead of striding confidently ahead.
No more distractions, no more despair; not distraught or under-wrought....just perfectly wrought.
With no word to express the sweet on my tongue as I climb up each rung that gives me the larger view I seem to consistently miss.
No kiss this time around, just a cacophony of bells and sparks with strangers and family, with wine and cold to have and to hold.
Lighting on the cliche that it's only what you make of it, the sun sets and the moon rises over the water and shines on brightly.


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